The sun produces enough energy in one hour to power the entire earth for a whole year. We harness this energy to power our needs, and it’s clean and sustainable. 

Renewable energy mean that the energy is replenished naturally and can be used repeatedly without running out.

Our Purpose 

EBmake it easy for our clients to switch to clean renewable energy. Create tangible savings and long-term cost predictability. 

At the same time, protecting and preserving our environment.

We accomplish our purpose by design utilizing partners that are leaders in the industry. EBD applies a comprehensive approach using consistently validated and proven energy efficiency methods with sustained clean energy resources

Drawing upon the Sun and the Earth’s natural GeoThermal energy as the sources for electricity, heating and cooling. Gives us the most effective long-term energy solutions without compromising quality or efficiency. 

In other words, the monthly cost for your sustained energy use will remain low and constant, and the annual rate increases from the utility companies will not have any significant impact on your energy bill. 

The result from our designs and implementation will reduce your costly dependence on *fossil fuels. 


* Never depend again on the electric utilities, heating oil, coal, propane, or natural gas companies as your primary sources of energy. 

There is a better way…and it’s here, today!

Our Mission 

 To power the world with the sun, preserve and protect our planet.

Our Goal

Educate, design and implement proven energy efficiencies and storage solutions. 

While simultaneously generating a cleaner, greener, healthier, livable environment. 

…protecting our planet.


About Us

EBD is a diverse group of partners, engineers, designers, architects, and contractors who specialize in developing and implementing proven energy efficiency and clean renewable energy solutions. 

Having these experts with the combined experience of over 

30 years, all working together on every project, create an environment that produces the best collaboration resulting in first-rate solutions for our clients.

What We Do  

EBD design and implement clean energy solutions with methods that are already provenIn addition, we offer energy storage solutions, research development and financial services to provide funding or financing for projects through investors (PPAs) or affiliated institutions.

EnergyByDesign  Key Market and Business Model – largely target:

  • Commercial Buildings
  • Non-profit
  • Education
  • Industrial 
  • Healthcare
  • Hospitality 
  • Municipalities
  • Entertainment and Sports Facilities


We thrive with these capital-intensive clients because our experience and expertise match the high level of competence required to satisfy the demands of these projects.                      


EnergyByDesign Summary Of Services: 

  • Solar – Rooftops, Ground Mounts, Car Ports, Parking Facilities, Community Solar, Etc.
  • Led Lighting
  • Energy Storage 
  • EV Charging Stations
  • Smart Building
  • GeoThermal – Renewable Heating and Cooling Systems


Please note: The physical structures where you live, worship, are entertained, work, and do business. In some cases, can offset up to 100% the cost of the energy used in that structure. 

For your comfort and well-being, you spend a significant amount of money for energy that is delivered to you within these buildings.


Contact Us

Find out how much power your buildings, land, parking facilities, etc., can produce and store to offset the high cost of energy the utility company delivers to you. 


Phone: (914) 244-0011 




Join The Movement 

Thousands of homes, businesses, non-profits, industrial and other entities world-wide made the switch to clean renewable energy.  

We invite you to join them and be a part of a new generation that uses clean renewable energy, today! 

FYI: We don’t need to spend many billions of dollars terraforming and move to another planet (Mars) as are the objectives of some billionaire. Our Earth is perfectly fine for sustaining our lives.

There is a better way…and it’s here, today!